Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Women are allowed to have standards

 I  agree with about half or more that it's a NO for a 1st date simply because I'm grown and if I want to go to a chain restaurant I can do that anytime. 

Starbucks for a let's just meet cuz I want to meet you but don't have time for a full date, sure I love coffee and gives us a chance to talk.

Movies, better for 3rd or 4th simply because in the beginning we need to get to know 

each other and a quiet movie doesn't allow that

A bar maybe, but better for a 2nd or 3rd imo

Sporting events NO for a 1st date, just because if you aren't a cowboys fan than I don't want u near me at a game and I seldom go to any other teams games

Bowling is fine, shooting pool is fine, hookah bar no I never go to those.

A grown woman loves when a man leads, takes the time to dress nice and make reservations,  set a time when they will pick us up and not be late...grown man moves.

If all you can afford is fast food or restaurant chain meals than date a girl who's ok with that, don't judge women for having higher standards for themselves get some for yourself instead

Sunday, October 15, 2023

A Man's 1st toxic relationship

Just a personal perspective on a mans toxic relationship with their dick


Let's face facts, almost all men 2nd love is with their penis


 Once a young man/discovers the appendage protruding from their body that seems to have magical powers, the love/hate (toxic) relationship begins.

When they are young their penis is determined and driven and as they age its lucky to still be able to pee.

When they are young it got hard when the wind blew, when they're old it's lucky to get hard with a little pill that's blue.

They love it when it stands up hard as an Oak tree and hate it when it shrivels like a raisin in the sun.

They love it when it performs after a night of drinking then hate it when they wake up and realize who it performed with.

They love the sensation of penetrating a woman's warm wet pussy raw and hate it when that raw sensation of burn and itch makes them think regret it.

They love it when lots of women want it and hate it when it's not enough for the one woman they want.

It just makes sense if you think about it, all men have a toxic relationship with their dick, from the first experience to the current situation. At some point throughout their life their dick may have let them down, got the wrong girl pregnant, betrayed them, lied to them (like giving them a raging hard on just to blow in 2mins), caught a disease, spread a disease, stayed hard for hours without satisfaction, won't ever get hard, yet at the end of the day, men know the one relationship that will always be there is the one they have with their dick.

It's not a bad thing gentlemen, it just is what it is.

Independent Women

Dear Men,


Just food for thought about independent women.  

There is so much negativity spoken about independent women that needs to be spoken on.

I ask that you swallow your egos and preconceived notions about independent women and remove the "independent" and simply see them as women. The majority of the time her independence and strength is what drew you to her in the first place.

Yes, independent women can and do handle things on their own. What you should do is ask yourself what put them in a position to be so independent? The majority of the time the reasons fall back on what a man did to them, how a man treated them, or how men react to them.

The term independent woman, instead of being appreciated and honored, it is looked down on, judged and easily discarded. Most times its because the men who approach them aren't actually ready for a woman who wants a man but doesn't live in the NEED a man mentality. 

Most of us became independent as a result of something traumatic in our lives and we realized that our mistake was relying on a man. We were put into situations that didn't allow us to roll into a ball in the corner and cry or feel sorry for ourselves until a new man came along and solved our problems. We had to put on our big girl pants and do things for ourselves, knowing if we failed we were the only ones to blame or if we succeeded we were the ones to thank. Our success or failure completely relied on our resilience as women and mothers, our strength to accept and overcome obstacles, our ability to keep going no matter what stood in our way. We had to learn to fix things around the house (if we didn't already), manage being strong yet nurturing to the children and find ourselves all over again. We had to start from scratch and learn the hard way that the one person we could rely on is ourselves and then try to build a circle of people around us that valued us for that. 

Independent women WANT a man who will add to our lives, not take away from it. We want a man who can show us what a man should be, a man who leads without controlling, loves without conditions, encourages without judgment, communicates with complete honesty, protects without aggression, honors without issues, a partner in everything and leads without demanding. The biggest thing to realize is the difference between WANT and NEED. Need implies we are less than without and want implies a desire to have or be with. It is not an insult when a woman says I don't NEED a man, I want a man. It is simply stating we want someone who is going to add to what we worked so hard to achieve, not someone who is going to just come in and reap the rewards of our hard work without adding to it so the results can multiply not deplete. 

If you are not mature or ready enough for an independent women, don't look down on them like they are at fault, look in the mirror instead and see the truth instead of your ego. Not every man is ready for a woman who can handle things on their own and that's OK, just realize the short coming is not the woman's independence but it's your lack of the courage and strength she had, to make her that way.